Wednesday, August 20, 2014

God be Glorified

“The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die” (2 Samuel 12:13).  “Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?” (Proverbs 20:9).  “They had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.  And they glorified God in me” (Galatians 1:23,24).    

The Lord has put away my sin,
And by His grace I’m justified. 
He washed me thoroughly within,
For in my place, my Savior died. 

Now who can say that he has made
His own heart clean from sin and shame? 
The weight of all my sin was laid  
Upon my Lord who bore my blame!

I knew I could not purify
Myself from my iniquity
Nor hide it from the holy eye
Of God, who then was searching me. 

I glorify my Lord and Savior
Who purged away my sins as dross! 
Though I did not deserve His favor,
He died for me upon the cross! 

Let God be glorified at last
For what He did to save my soul! 
I was so hopeless in the past:
My eyes were dim; my ears were dull. 

He drew my heart to trust in Him
As I looked for a Hiding Place. 
He surely knew my eyes were dim,
Yet He enlightened them with grace.

His grace was music to my ears! 
For when I learned that I was lost
I saw the debt my Savior clears
Because He paid redemption’s cost! 

O Lord, what more now can I say
Since You have purchased my salvation?
Be glorified in me, I pray,
As You perfect my transformation!  

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