Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fallacy of Forsaking

“O forsake me not utterly” (Psalm 119:8).  “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

We’re wasting our time and our energy
If we think our Savior might ever forsake
The souls He has saved:  it’s a fallacy!
Beware of this needless, deceptive mistake!

Rejoice in the Savior for what He has said!
His promise to keep us shall never be broken.
The Lord kept His promise to rise from the dead.
We rest in the sureness of all He has spoken.

Now no one who comes to the Lord is cast out;
Rejoice in this promise our Lord Jesus made!
Let this great assurance eliminate doubt
And make us courageous instead of afraid.

O Lord, we give thanks for the promise You gave
That terminates worry and gives us direction,
And since You will never forsake those You save,
Replace all our worry with trust and affection!

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