Sunday, November 27, 2011

Generously Gentle

"Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy salvation: and Thy right hand hath holden me up, and Thy gentleness hath made me great" (Psalm 18:35).

How generous with grace is God
Who gently makes us great,
As we are found by Him so flawed
And in a sinful state.

He gives to us salvation's shield,
His right hand holds us up,
And daily blessings are revealed
Which overflow our cup.

We have no greatness of our own
Or righteousness to claim
Apart from grace, and grace alone,
That lifted us from shame.

We love You, Lord, because You first
Have loved the wayward soul;
You satisfied our inner thirst
And hunger to the full.

We thank You, Lord, and we rejoice
That You will meet the need
Of all Your sheep who hear Your voice,
Whom You will gently lead.

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