Saturday, April 18, 2015

Behold the Banner

"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth" (Psalm 60:4).  "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10).  "O LORD... Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth... He will swallow up death in victory... This is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation" (Isaiah 25:1,8,9).  "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). 

Behold the banner God has made  
For everyone who fears the Lord   
To be triumphantly displayed
With truth that must not be ignored. 

We lift the name of Jesus Christ
And find our refuge in His name.
He was for sinners sacrificed
To ransom them from sin and shame. 

Lift high the banner that we hold
To show Christ risen from the grave! 
Display the truth that He foretold;
No other name but His can save! 

O death, where is your prison's key?
O grave, where is your swallowing?
Behold!  The truth has made us free
Through Christ our Savior and our King! 

Be glad!  Rejoice in His salvation! 
Give God the glory every day! 
This is our banner's declaration  
And aim in all we do and say.  

O Lord, as we behold the banner
Which You have given to Your own,
We see again the wondrous manner
Of Your great love for us made known!

Lord, let this banner of Your grace,
Which sinners may behold unfurled,
Display salvation's Hiding Place
In You, the Savior of the world. 

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