Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Force of Five

"I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue" (1 Corinthians 14:19).

Give me words that are alive,
Simple, forceful, understood!
I would rather speak just five,
Than thousands that will do no good.

Give me words that I may preach
The truth that makes the sinner free.
With the Gospel let me reach
The lost who face eternity!

Give me words that find their mark
In those who yet may be persuaded.
Send the light where it is dark!
Soften hearts that once were jaded!

The force of five is felt today
In words like "God so loved the world,"
And "Will you also go away,"
"Into the lake of fire" hurled?

Give me words, Lord, from Your heart,
Going forth with holy tears
With compassion You impart,
Warning souls that judgment nears.

Thank You, Lord, for words You gave
With the power of Your Spirit,
Preaching Christ alone can save
To everyone with ears to hear it!

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