Monday, January 19, 2015

Gazing at the Gallows

"So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified" (Esther 7:10).  "The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul" (Psalm 121:7).  "The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion; but his favor is as dew upon the grass" (Proverbs 19:12).  "Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). 

We gaze at portraits of our Savior
When in God's Word we ponder well   
The scenes of wrath and saving favor
Depicting Christ, whom they foretell. 

We see the gallows once prepared
By Haman, fifty cubits high,
For Mordecai (who would be spared),
Upon which Haman then would die. 

Before destruction, there was pride
And wickedness in Haman's heart. 
The king's wrath had been pacified;
Now think upon this work of art! 

How clearly here we see the cross
Intended for our Lord's demise! 
Behold the gain, instead of loss,
From Christ who promised He would rise! 

The Lord delivered us from wrath
Which by God's law had been decreed. 
We see His favor on our path
On which He met our deepest need. 

Eternal prospects now are bright
Because the Lord for us was smitten. 
Our Savior points us to that sight
In heaven where are names are written! 

O Lord, we see these types engraved
Upon the pages of the past
Reflecting how our souls are saved,
Foreseen in shadows that were cast. 

Receive our thanks, Lord Jesus Christ,
As in these shadows we can see
That You were for us sacrificed
To save our souls eternally.  

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