Sunday, January 18, 2015

Done with Delight

"What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honor?" (Esther 6:6).  "Before honor is humility" (Proverbs 18:12).  "The Son of man must suffer many things... and be slain, and be raised the third day... And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: Hear him" (Luke 9:22,35). 

Now what shall be done to our Savior,
Whom God has exalted so high?
How shall we give thanks for His favor?
What honor would we yet deny?

He humbled Himself for our souls,
Though He was eternally God. 
No wonder the Father extols
The name we forever applaud! 

How greatly our Lord suffered then,
Enduring rejection and pain. 
He came to redeem sinful men;
Give thanks to the Lamb of God slain! 

Now raised from the grave as He said,
We praise Him above every name. 
Behold Him alive from the dead
Whose glory we love to proclaim!

Let all other glory grow dim
In contrast to Jesus today!
The Father commands us, "Hear Him!"
Delightfully now we obey! 

We praise You, O Lord, with delight! 
We love You, for You loved us first.
We see You returned from the fight
To bless Your redeemed who were cursed.

Lord, what shall be done to give praise,
Delightfully offered to You? 
Our voices we joyfully raise:
Be honored in all that we do! 

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