Sunday, October 05, 2014

Lord of Love, Life, and Light

“How excellent is Thy lovingkindness, O God!  Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings… For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light”  (Psalm 36:7,9).

The Lord of love, of life, and light
Has sheltered us beneath His wings. 
We see His mercy and might
As Savior and as King of kings! 

His lovingkindness far exceeds
Our feeble, finite, contemplation. 
He weighed the cost to meet our needs
And gave Himself for our salvation.

He is the Fountain of our life
Who fully satisfies our thirst. 
Upon the cross He fought our strife,
And for our sakes our Lord was cursed. 

He is the Light that brightly shined
In darkness where we used to dwell,
Yet now we see, who once were blind,
That Christ delivered us from hell. 

O Lord, how wonderful You are! 
Your light, Your life, and matchless love
Have brought us near who once were far
And set our hearts on things above.  

Lord, send us forth to show the lost
Your love unbounded You have shown,
Your life that paid redemption’s cost,
And light which makes salvation known. 

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