Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Agressive Agreement

"I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt Thou come to me? I will walk in my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" (Psalm 101:2,3). "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3).

Can two now walk together, except they be agreed?
Is God content to dwell with us without reproving sin?
The answer "NO!" is obvious. And thus I see my need
To purge my life aggressively; now where should I begin?

Perhaps I'd better start with what I put before my eyes:
Things not only wicked, but the things that waste my time.
Why should I give energy to things that are not wise,
Since God has offered me instead His Word that is sublime?

Do I have God's approving eye on every secret thought?
The Word of God is like a sword dividing wrong from right,
And God will thereby show me what is true and what is not,
As every thought in darkness is reproved within His light.

So let me work aggressively to purify my way
That I may walk in harmony with Jesus Christ my Savior.
Search me and create in me a clean heart, Lord, today,
That our agreement may be seen in all of my behavior.

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