Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Rock is Right

“He is the Rock… a God of truth and without iniquity, just and RIGHT is He” (Deuteronomy 32:4).  “The Word of the Lord is RIGHT” (Psalm 33:4).  “The thoughts of the righteous are RIGHT… The way of a fool is RIGHT IN HIS OWN EYES… The righteous is more excellent than his neighbor, but the way of the wicked seduceth them” (Proverbs 12:5,15,26).   

The Lord is right.  His Word is true,
Though mockers in these days will mock.
No matter what they say or do,
God does not change.  He is the Rock.

The fool is right in his own eyes,
Asserting things he does not know.
He surely thinks that he is wise,
But God declares it isn’t so.

A fool may have intelligence,
But he refuses God’s instruction.
Until the day that he repents,
His eyes are blinded by seduction.

The one who trusts in God is right,
Yet must be careful every day.
Against seduction he must fight,
Lest he be likewise led astray.

Seduction dominates our schools,
Indoctrinating thus our youth.
Their atheistic doctrine rules;
They learn, but never know the truth.

Lord, help us in these days to talk
About the things that really matter.
To demonstrate that You’re the Rock,
And all Your foes, like chaff, will scatter.

O Lord, our Rock of endless years,
You are the Final Absolute.
So send us forth with seed and tears
To preach the Gospel, bearing fruit.

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