Sunday, February 03, 2013

Pondering His Power

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing... By His spirit He hath garnished the heavens; His hand hath formed the crooked serpent.  Lo, these are parts of His ways: but how little a portion is heard of Him?  But the thunder of His power who can understand?” (Job 26:7-14).  “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power, in the beauties of holiness” (Psalm 110:3).  “The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens… He giveth grace unto the lowly” (Proverbs 3:19,34). 

He gave the stars and planets birth
And He has set them in their place.
He hangs and He propels the earth
On nothing, thus upheld in space.

He garnished space with just a word  
That formed majestic constellations,
And yet how small a portion heard
Is pondered in these observations.

Behold!  There is a greater power
That Christ our Lord and Savior boasts:
We see His wondrous grace now tower
Above creation’s starry hosts!

How great His power is to save
And draw us near who once were far!  
His grace is stronger than the grave
And higher than the highest star!

His grace is given to the lowly,
To us who surely would have perished,
But now His power makes us holy,
Because we were so greatly cherished.

O Lord, we worship You today,
And ponder powers of Your hand
In all creation on display,
Much greater than we understand.

We see our finite limitation,  
O Lord, becomes so obvious
As we explore Your great salvation,
So beautiful and glorious!

We’re pondering Your power, Lord,
Declared by Your creation’s thunder,
Yet grace we scarcely have explored
Now leaves us lost in breathless wonder!

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