Monday, April 25, 2011

Bitter Belly

"And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.... And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, nations, and tongues, and kings" (Revelation 10:8-11).

The Gospel of Christ is God's little book
As sweet as the honey, yet bitter as well:
It surely is sweet when to Jesus we look,
Yet bitter to think of those marching to hell.

The Gospel of Christ is sweet to our taste,
And yet it is bitter to ponder the lost.
How can we be silent as sinners make haste
To endless despair, never counting the cost?

O Lord, we give thanks for the Gospel that saves
And keeps us so sweetly in Your boundless love.
In view of the bitterness of Christless graves,
We'd be Your ambassadors sent from above.

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