Saturday, September 16, 2006

Memory of Majesty and Mercy

"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.... They shall abundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness" (Psalm 145:3,4,7).

Great beyond our comprehension
Is our Lord in majesty.
More than we in time can mention:
It will take eternity!

Yes, in every generation
There is cause to give Him praise
For the acts of His creation
That God graciously displays.

Who can the praise of God exhaust
Remembering His salvation?
He came to seek and save the lost,
And bear our condemnation!

His greatness is unsearchable,
And remembering these facts
We see that God is merciful
As we explore His acts!

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