Friday, July 14, 2006

Earnestly and Early

"Be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto Mount Sinai, and present thyself there to Me in the top of the mount. And no man shall come up with thee... And Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up unto Mount Sinai, as he Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of stone. And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord" (Exodus 34: 2-5).

Be ready in the morning to hear the word of God.
Above the world's scorning, above what men applaud,
Reserve this special time apart, come early and alone,
That God may write upon your heart, as once He did on stone.

Come earnestly and early with an attentive ear.
Draw near to God and surely, He also will draw near.
Come up into His presence, before the morning ends.
This is the daily essence of the blessing God extends.

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