Thursday, July 04, 2013

Timely Teaching

“The days of our years are… soon cut off, and we fly away… So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom… Let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us” (Psalm 90:10-17).

Our days so quickly turn to years.
They’re soon cut off; we fly away.
The wise heart listens and adheres
To every word that God will say.  

Our life becomes a work of beauty,
The workmanship of God’s own hands,
As we have found our joyful duty
By doing what our Lord commands.

There is no time to waste or “kill”,
Since every moment we may use
To seek the Lord and do His will:
It’s up to us to wisely choose.   

When we look back on how we spent
The precious minutes of our days,
Will this reflection cause lament,
Or gratitude with joyful praise?

We thank You, Lord, for timely teaching
By which You cause us now to see
The precious souls we may be reaching
With Gospel truth that makes us free.

Lord, let Your beauty be displayed
And let Your truth be seen and heard
As we have joyfully obeyed
The timely teaching of Your Word.

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