"Ask what I shall give thee" (2 Chronicles 1:7). "I rejoice at Thy Word, as one that findeth great spoil" (Psalm 119:162). "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth?... Every Word of God is pure: He is a Shield unto them that put their trust in Him" (Proverbs 30:4,5). "Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith… consider Him that endured" (Hebrews 12:2,3).
The question God
asked Solomon
Is put to each
of us today.
We have it all
in God the Son:
Jesus" we need only say!
Rejoice, as one
who finds great spoil,
In Jesus, the
Incarnate Word,
Who on His cross
with anguished toil
For our
salvation has endured!
Rejoice in
Jesus, our Creator,
Who holds the
wind within His fists.
He's Lord of all;
there is none greater.
By Him the
universe exists!
Jesus" is our declaration!
You're all we'll
ever need, O Lord.
You are the
Author of salvation
And Finisher of
faith's reward.