Friday, April 03, 2015

Returning Remnant

"Forget also thine own people, and thy father's house; so shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for He is thy Lord; and worship thou Him" (Psalm 45:10,11).  "The wise shall inherit glory" (Proverbs 3:35).  "The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God" (Isaiah 10:21).  "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace" (Romans 11:5). 

The Lord bids Jew as well as Gentile
To find their refuge in His grace. 
Though Jews be distant for awhile,
The remnant shall resume their place. 

Yet even now has God reserved
A remnant that exists today
Of Jewish hearts which have not swerved
From Jesus Christ, whom they obey. 

Forsaking thus their vain tradition,
Forgetting false religious duty,
They worship Christ in sweet submission,
As they reflect upon His beauty.

They see the glory they inherit
Was purchased by their Lord and Savior. 
They have no hope in their own merit,
But trust in their Messiah's favor. 

The Jewish remnant shall return,
Which in their day shall be refined,
And in that day they shall discern
How they had sinned when they were blind. 

Praise God that in this present time
A Jewish remnant shall exist,  
A foretaste of that day sublime
When Christ is reigning in their midst.

O Lord, we thank for Your grace
That draws the Jew and Gentile too. 
We pray that more may seek You face
And earnestly Your heart pursue! 

Create, O Lord, a fervent yearning
In hearts Your Spirit will revive
To see Your remnant thus returning,
As You convince them You're alive! 

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